Blissoma is proud to stock the best natural makeup for sensitive skin. The leading brands we have chosen complement our skincare. With these products you can generate a gorgeous, lasting look without toxins or irritants that would aggravate sensitive skin types.
People with allergies, reactive skin, and ethical shopping concerns will find options to delight them. Some products such as Alima Pure's loose mineral powders are completely vegan, but some options will be just vegetarian so we encourage you to review ingredients lists to ensure that everything matches your particular ethics and needs. Some items may contain beeswax or carmine. Full ingredients are listed for each product.
As these items are not manufactured at Blissoma and we are simply acting as a retailer of them we are not able to offer wholesale pricing to professional clients, but our esthetician clients can order them at retail prices to use if desired.
We hope you enjoy going green with your beauty routine. Come see us at our St. Louis green beauty store for even more organic makeup and the chance to try items in person.