
Cruelty Free Skin Care Products in 2024 - Because Animal Testing Cosmetics Still Isn't Pretty

Cruelty Free Skin Care Products in 2024 - Because Animal Testing Cosmetics Still Isn't Pretty

Updated 8/6/24

Cruelty free, vegan cosmetics are our bread and ( dairy free) butter.

For years animal testing has been the ugly secret of the cosmetic and skin care industry.  Thankfully that's starting to change due to caring companies and new laws in major markets that put stricter controls on when animal testing is permitted.  There is still a long way to go, though, to make all skin care and cosmetics cruelty free.

The Importance of Cruelty Free Skin Care Products

Globally animal testing is losing ground as an accepted method to prove the safety of cosmetic ingredients.  Unfortunately the Humane Society estimates that about 500,000 animals are used specifically for cosmetic testing still each year. Lives are literally at stake with this issue.

The EU adopting anti-animal testing legislation as of 2013 has been a huge help as many ingredient suppliers want access to that cosmetics market, and are complying with those laws.  As of 2013 cosmetics and their ingredients used in the EU may not be animal tested.

As of 2024 the market for cruelty free cosmetics was projected to be at $10 billion USD and by 2032 sales of cruelty free cosmetics are projected to grow to $13.22 billion USD, indicating growing interest in protecting animal rights.  Sales of skin care products occupy a substantial percentage of the market value.

The Importance of Cruelty Free Skin Care Products and important updates about animal testing cosmetics on rabbits and beagles

Why Animal Testing Cosmetics Should End Now

Rabbits are subject to the abuse of animal testing in laboratories across this country and the world. The most common animals used for animal testing are rabbits (like our Blossom) and, sickly enough, beagles which is why groups like the Beagle Freedom Project exist. These animals are chosen because they are gentle and easy to keep in laboratory settings. They are victimized for their friendly dispositions which is a stroke of incredibly painful irony.

As of a 2021 survey 44 out of 50 of the world's top cosmetics brands still funded animal testing. This highlights the importance of shopping with independent companies who uphold cruelty-free ideals.

Over 127,000 rabbits are abused in US laboratories every year.

Rabbits are not the only victims of cosmetics testing, though. Nearly 60,000 dogs are used every year for animal testing (of which 96% are beagles).

The topic of animal testing that occurs on consumer products and ingredients is a topic that deserves discussion by any and all people that understand the value of animal life, and to be brought to those that may not understand yet as well. Rabbits like Blossom have corrosive substances dripped into their eyes, receive skin burns, and are neglected and never receive love during their sad, short lives. 

Most laboratory animals are put to death after being used in experiments, like the beagles used for medical research at Mizzou who were blinded on purpose and then put to death after the treatment administered failed to restore their sight.

How is it possible that this kind of torture continues? It's because it occurs in labs out of the sight of many consumers who just don't realize it is happening. We see a product on a shelf and not the sad, lonely rabbits in labs that suffered for its creation.

Is Animal Testing of Cosmetics Required in the USA?

No.  The FDA does not require that ingredients or finished cosmetics products such as skin care and makeup be animal tested.

MOCRA, a sweeping new legal standard for cosmetics safety and regulation, was passed into law in 2022 and is now in effect in the USA.  This new law does require cosmetics and skin care manufacturers to demonstrate the safety of their products, but animal testing is still not required.

Humane alternatives to animal testing are being developed and standardized in the scientific community in 2024

Alternatives to Animal Testing Cosmetics

As of 2024 the National Institute of Health Director, Dr. Monica Bertagnolli, accepted recommendations from a panel convened to discuss and promote alternatives to animal testing and research for its programs. These methods will be standardized so that the scientific community can interpret results of research and accept them.

Alternatives to animal testing include using cell cultures and tissue samples in test tubes, using mathematical models, and doing clinical studies using human volunteers.

The NIH also provides support to scientists who are developing alternatives to animal testing.  These efforts affect not only skin care and cosmetics, but medical research as well.

Animal Testing on Cosmetics Continues in China

Animal testing also continues because the Chinese government mandates animal testing on some cosmetic products. A May 1, 2021 update to the cosmetics law in China now allows some general purpose cosmetics like shampoo, soaps, lipstick, and general purpose lotion to qualify as "ordinary" cosmetics that now do not require animal testing.

Specialized products for conditions like acne, dandruff, skin whitening, sunscreen and other more medical purposes still are required to be animal tested.

Some brands simply elect not to sell into China or other markets that may require testing, but bigger brands are often lured in by the temptation of the huge market potential of the Chinese population. They may not test in the USA market, but do test in China. To many Cruelty-free shoppers that is deceptive and simply unacceptable. Cruelty is cruelty, no matter on which continent it happens.

Blossom is Blissoma's cruelty free skin care bunny adopted from the House Rabbit Society of Missouri in 2016 to help promote ending animal testing

Blissoma's Rabbit Blossom Promotes Cruelty Free Skin Care

Blissoma adopted Blossom, our mini Rex rabbit, from the House Rabbit Society of Missouri in 2016.  We wanted to help people connect products with the very real, beautiful, loving, and honestly magically healing creatures that are suffering in the name of "beauty". For 5 years while our store was open Blossom came to work each day to help people connect with the impact of choosing cruelty free skin care.

Anyone that has spent time with Blossom has experienced how calming she is. We lovingly term time with her "bunny therapy" because sitting and petting her for 15 minutes leaves folks completely blissed out. Curious and loving, she offers our team emotional support and hours of entertainment. Blossom spends her days at the store, chewing on paper towel rolls and cuddling the staff. She and her kind are worth treating well. They literally hurt no one, so the least we can do is return the favor.

Blissoma is a Cruelty-Free skin care brand. None of our finished products are ever tested on animals (only our formulator, staff volunteers, and friends) and our raw materials suppliers must also certify that they are not testing anything they sell to us on animals. We request statements from our suppliers attesting that our ingredients are not being animal tested.

We work with dozens of ingredients and in many cases avoiding animal tested ingredients is exceptionally easy since we often source dried herbs and create the extracts ourselves.

Blissoma works with several European based ingredient suppliers and have received declarations from them that conform to the 2013 law. Blissoma is now registered for sale in the EU and the majority of our skin care products can be purchased through Skinimalistka in the Czech Republic.

We're asking you to pledge with us to shop for Cruelty-free skin care products and cosmetics, and to share information on why people should go Cruelty-free with friends.

This is one small thing you can do to benefit bunnies, beagles and more creatures. Since we live in a capitalist economy one of the best ways to affect change is to change consumer behavior.

When you vote with your dollars companies listen.  Please choose kindness over convenience and cheap products.  your skin will benefit as well.

Cruelty free skin care is the kindest choice to prevent harm to animals like Blossom the Blissoma rabbit

Help Blossom prevent animal cruelty

At Blissoma we manufacture cruelty free skin care to protect the lives of bunnies, beagles, and all other animals tortured in the name of beauty. 

Blossom has been a wonderful addition to the Blissoma family.  

Animal testing is not a victimless crime! Shop cruelty free skin care
