
Frankincense Essential Oil



Boswellia carterii - origin Somalia, resin tears, steam distilled

Frankincense is an ancient oil with plenty of modern research to back up its wonderful effects for aromatherapy and even anti-aging purposes.  It was prized in India, China, and Egypt for incense, and our modern word actually comes from the old French phrase franc encens meaning "high quality incense".  The Egyptians used it for beautifying skincare purposes.  The aroma is clear and clean and opens the airways, prompting deep breathing and a centering effect.  The chemistry of the oil is primarily monoterpene hydrocarbons.

Frankincense or Olibanum trees grow in Northern African mainly in Oman, Somalia and Ethiopia.  The resin of the tree is harvested by cutting into the wood and allowing the resin to seep out and harden.  These hardened resin pieces are then steam distilled to yield the oil.  The trees grow in a very harsh environment, sometimes even protruding out of solid rock.  This persistent quality can be brought into your life through their essential oil.

Many people may believe they have smelled "frankincense and myrrh" through commercial products that are available with this blend name, but often these types of products contain additional fragrance oils to cut costs and also sweeten the blend to consumer's expectations.  While frankincense oil is absolutely sublime it is not as sweet as many people might expect.  It is a sophisticated and spiritual aroma.  Once you experience the true version the fragrance oil versions will seem cloying.  This is the real deal.  

Frankincense essential oil is nontoxic, non-irritant, and non-sensitizing, making it very suitable for skin application.  It is excellent for diffusion and perfumery blending as well.

Please see the "Ingredients" tab for the GC/MS test profile for this oil.

Blending: This oil is considered a base note and/or fixative and will help bind and fix other aromas together.  Frankincense works well with other wood oils like Atlas Cedar, Amyris, or Vanuatu Sandalwood, Vetiver, Fir and Pine needle oils, Cypress, Juniper, Basil, and Rosemary, Geranium, Lavender, Neroli, Bergamot, spice notes like Cardamon and Black Pepper, and sweet vanilla-type aromas such as Balsam Peru.  It is incredibly versatile.

Aromatherapy uses: Anxiety, stress, nervous tension, arthritis and rheumatism, asthma, bronchitis, or other difficulty breathing, for dry, mature, and blemished skin types, scars, wounds, and wrinkles

All essential oils bottled by Blissoma come from trusted suppliers that we have worked with for years now for production of our own product line.  We are now offering these oils to our retail and professional clients because of their exceptional qualities.  Every oil is 100% pure and natural with no adulteration or alterations.

Due to oils being lighter than water 9 g is 10 ml volume (.3 oz).  25 g is about 28 ml volume (1 oz).  We are selling by weight because it is more exact.

Disclaimer: Statements made have not been evaluated by the FDA.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Directions for use:
Always dilute essential oils properly before use.  Base oils and alcohol are both good for dilution.

Dilution rates will vary by age of the individual and application of the oil.

.25% - for children 3 months to 2 years
1% - for children 2-6 years, pregnant women, and individuals with challenged or sensitive immune systems, and facial use
1.5% - children ages 6-15
2% - for most adults for general use
3%-10% - focused use on smaller areas of the body for therapeutic purposes
10-20% - perfumery level dilution, for small areas of the body and very temporary use on larger areas such as muscle injury

6 drops of essential oil per 1 oz carrier oil is a 1% dilution
12 drops of essential oil per 2 oz carrier oil is a 2% dilution

If irritation occurs discontinue use.  Keep essential oils stored in a cool location out of sunlight to best preserve them.


GC/MS test results for this essential oil
Pinene 43.06
Thujene 13.35
Limonene 9.28
Octyl acetate 7.31
Sabinene 4.6
Caryophyllene 3.44
Cymene 3.23
Pinene 2.95
Myrcene 2.32
Phellandrene 0.93
1-Methoxydecane 0.64
Terpinen-4-ol 0.61
Humulene 0.51
Cadinene 0.51
3-Carene 0.5
Copaene 0.5
Thuja-2,4 (10)diene 0.4
Terpinene 0.37
Camphene 0.33
Germacrene D 0.33
1-Octanol 0.31
Serratol 0.3
Elemene 0.25
Cadinene 0.25
Bergamotene 0.24
Phellandrene 0.23
Terpinene 0.22
1,8-Cineole 0.22
Terpineol 0.2
Cadina-1(6),4-diene 0.19
Ocimene 0.18
Cadinol 0.18
Hashishene 0.17
Caryophyllene oxide 0.16
Linalool 0.15
Selinene 0.14
Thujenol 0.13
Thujone 0.13
Ocimene 0.12
Pinocarveol 0.12
Bourbonene 0.12
Bornyl acetate 0.11
Selinene 0.11
Elemenr dimer 0.1
Incensole 0.1
Verbenene 0.09
p-Menta-1,5-dien-8-ol 0.09
Cubebene 0.08
Muurolene 0.08
Isomer of alloarmadendrene 0.08
Phellandrene dimer 0.04